2024 Oct 31

load packages, read data
monster_movie_genres <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2024/2024-10-29/monster_movie_genres.csv')
monster_movies <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2024/2024-10-29/monster_movies.csv')
filter, arrange, select, rename, slice
monster_movies_table <- monster_movies |>
filter(num_votes > 10000) |>
arrange(desc(average_rating)) |>
filter(title_type == "movie") |>
select(primary_title, average_rating, num_votes) |>
rename(title = primary_title, rating = average_rating, votes = num_votes) |>
create gt table, format number, table styling
gt(monster_movies_table) |>
fmt_number(columns = votes, suffixing = TRUE, decimals = 0) |>
tab_header(title = "Top 10 highly rated movies with the word 'Monster' in the title",
subtitle = "Above 10,000 IMDB ratings") |>
tab_options(table.width = "360px",
heading.align = "left",
heading.title.font.weight = "bold",
table.border.top.style = "none",
table.border.bottom.style = "none",
row_group.border.bottom.style = "none",
data_row.padding = "0px",
footnotes.padding = "0px",
source_notes.padding = "0px",
column_labels.padding = "0px",
column_labels.font.size = "14px",
column_labels.border.top.width = 1,
column_labels.border.top.color = "white",
column_labels.border.bottom.width = 1,
column_labels.border.bottom.color = "gray",
column_labels.text_transform = "capitalize") |>
opt_table_font("PT Sans") |>
style = cell_text(color = "black", weight = "bold", align = "left"),
locations = cells_title("title")
) |>
tab_footnote("Source: IMDB Dataset, Tidy Tuesday") |>
tab_source_note("Credit: Joe Chelladurai") |>
gtsave("monster_movies_table.png", expand = 0)