Taking Quick Notes with the Command Line

When I need to make a quick note I often reach for textedit or the notes app on a mac. In trying to become more keyboard savvy, I wanted to learn a solution with the terminal to take notes. Fortunately, there is an inbuilt editor called nano that makes it easy.

The nano editor is a text user interface (TUI). You can’t use the mouse to point and click. Instead, you have to use keyboard commands. It is quite simple.

  1. open terminal on mac
  2. type nano and press enter
  3. start typing cmd + o to save
  4. give it a file name
  5. if you want to save to a particular folder press cmd + t and browse and select a folder.
  6. if you want to save by typing (without browsing) your folder path, you can use absolute or relative paths.
  7. to exit cmd + x


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